Rooibos Iced Tea for Kids

Rooibos Iced Tea for Kids

Warm Stories about Rooibos Iced Tea. It’s hot and cold.

I remember quite clearly when I was little, I wasn’t allowed to drink coffee. Zilch. And having parents who drank coffee almost ten times a day, baffled me as to why I can’t drink coffee. Until I got older and saw the HECTIC behaviour of children consuming anything caffeine related.

t literally was a war zone, with only three kids scattered everywhere, every second.
And the worst part is, they refused to drink water, and always targeted the – high in caffeine drinks.

The trouble of hyper kids went on for days until me and my friends had a get-together and thought hard about something that the kids would love and also be healthy.

After a lot of debate and consideration, it hit us. ICE TEA!

It’s delicious, healthy and doesn’t contain any caffeine. Reminders of when I was little hit me, and I remembered how much I loved Rooibos Ice Tea.

So we gathered recipes and ingredients to add and to be honest all of them were tasty but the traditional, honey and lemon Ice Tea hit the best. Even if you’re on a diet, it’ll be the best drink to have.

All you have to do to create a delicious Ice tea is, brew the Rooibos or add Rooibos tea bags to warm water. Add preferred ingredients and let it cool down in the fridge.
Sometimes a dash of vanilla essence makes the tea so tasty, you wouldn’t be able to stop.

As Rooibos Ice Tea was actually made for the kids, elderly people also loved Rooibos Ice Tea and it became a regular consumption everywhere.

You would never make a mistake by making Rooibos Ice Tea. It’s literally for any occasion.

Posted in Cold Rooibos Recipes, Rooibos Recipes, Rooibos Stories, Uncategorized.

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